
our chairman

Abbey Community Theatre or ACT for short was founded back in 1983 with the first production No Time For Fig Leaves being staged in February of the following year. Since then we have produced a great number of varied plays ranging from classics such as The Ghost Train, Rebecca and The Importance of Being Earnest through murder/mystery plays and comedies to pantomimes (the first of which Dracula: The Panto was performed in 2007). A full list of our past productions can be found elsewhere on this website.

The original home of ACT was Abbey Road Baptist Church but in late 1986 the group moved to the newly built Abbey Centre in Overslade Close, East Hunsbury. The Centre was officially opened by Princess Diana, Princess of Wales in January 1987 who was introduced to some ACT members. I joined ACT in 1997 with my first production being A Tomb With A View a comedy thriller. Over the years I’ve graduated to become a committee member, play director and now chairman of the group. I am pleased and honoured to have this role.

ACT always welcomes new members whether you have a ambition to act, assist backstage or help out front of house. We normally perform three plays a year in March, June and November / December. Please get in touch if you are interested in being involved in the group. It is my sincere hope and wish that Abbey Community Theatre will continue to stage high quality amateur theatre for the people of Northampton for many years to come.

Bill Horsley


act cares

If you’ve ever entered one of our interval raffle prize draws, then we offer our thanks to you for helping ACT to donate thousands of pounds to local charities over the years. Here are some of the recent letters of thanks we have received (click to enlarge).